Thank you for visiting our website. We would love for you to worship with us on Sundays or study God's Word with us on Wednesdays! Come join us. You are welcome!
Kids Community
WHEN? Saturday, August 3
1:00 - 4:00 PM
Our third annual Kids' Community Fair is a free event for Pre-K - 6th graders in our community and will include lots of fun and games!
Visit our event on Facebook!
Please note that our Summer Sunday Services Schedule is as follows: July 7 through August 18, our Sunday morning service is at 10 am and meets outside under the tent. There is no Sunday school. All other services are also outside under the tent (Sunday PM and Wednesday PM), but times remain the same.
We have a number of ministries, classes,
and groups available for every person, at any stage of life.
Every person has an opportunity for real spiritual growth and genuine community.
Our Independence Day Service which is Sunday, June 30, under the tent at 11 am. The service will be followed by a picnic and all are welcome to join.